Sunday 13 May 2012

IPL Treatments

IPL Treatments

How many IPL treatments are needed?

There are three phases of hair growth and development of active enough melanin and the hair bulb permanently damage the hair follicle. Thus, only about one third of hair follicles in the growth phase still active at a time, and therefore can be applied to an IPL. Therefore, a variety of treatments needed. At least four to six treatments are needed. Darker skin and lighter hair will require more treatments, because there is less melanin and the hair roots and the machine does not work at full capacity. However, in the long term to reduce hair growth or removal is available to everyone.
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IPL Treatments

Hair removal?

Please note that there is no such thing as hair permanent full of all types of hair removal treatment for most people. But the IPL is the most advanced and permanent reduction in hair growth in all treatments available today. It is very difficult to permanently destroy the hair follicles to be more focused.

Most have no effective hair removal treatment, regeneration and shortly after a number of possible treatment. Some supplements without hair regrowth, while others require a maintenance treatment every year. Each hair growth is weak, thin and lighter in color because of a bad hair follicles.(IPL Treatments)
How many IPL treatments are needed,IPL treatments,treatments of IPL,