Thursday 17 January 2013

5 types of women that men hate

5 types of women that men hate

5 types of women that men hate If you fall into any of these categories, I would advise you to think! ... 
Can not blame men for various, curse them from morning till night and all, but all of us bother on them, but VRE girls, have you thought that maybe you and you're not perfect? ​​Truth be told, what kinds of men are to be avoided, but there are so many women! And do not you say that these women are more insidious since no woman does not clarify its intentions from the start, as opposed to the man on whose so-called .... explanation runs through his veins! Below, we have some types of women that men literally hate. If you're one of them, do something quickly or else risk losing the ball ... 

1. The very smart:

no blame your mom made you jackal, nor should apologize for 4 graduate you have done, but it would be good in front of you to keep more low tones. All men are fascinated by women who know how to speak up and stand in a debate that does not contain hair and shoes, but to put them to good and you constantly try to prove that it's wrong at least becomes frustrating! Even in a matter of joke, like football, you may know the history of the Olympic from the outside, but when men quarrel about the penalty, you better go to your kitchen. 5 types of women that men hate
5 types of women that men hate

2. Ayti wants be accommodated: 

If you just met him, asked me what I do and then brought the world upside down to find out all about his financial situation, then sorry but you deserve neither he nor any man! All women love to take care of or to make gifts, but if you're just looking for someone to settle yourself, you know that sooner or later he will understand and you will quit. Because after all, can have a good job but nobody told him that it is mandatory to be loaded and a lazy psonara! 

3. H. .. bride:

 It should be clear that there is little women have dreamed of their wedding or bridal and many deny it is simply a liar. This of course, is far from becoming obsessed marriage especially from the first date! If you are one of them, which will give the magic little word in your second outing, the third will hear a love song and you will reveal that you have chosen for your wedding song, but you do not have a trace of shame, and the third will stop with him outside a bridal showcase with asking his opinion, then you're pathetic and is a matter of time to stay yourself. 

4. H. .. crazy: 

All women are crazy and jealous. This is something that we carry from the time we are born! Other naturally jealous but to maintain and the spark in the relationship even further to have become paranoid to the point that you fear! Explorations in mobile and facebook, prohibiting intercourse with any woman other than you and your mom and of course never ever leave without you is exaggerated and verging on the ridiculous. Very soon you will quit simply because you are tired of your dog. And you know what? Would find each other through facebook. Yes yes, that caused him to quit! But how did it? 

5. She wants to surpass former: 

I think because he does not say that men do not understand? Topic shouts itself: You've kavatza for very simple through this trying to soften the pain of separation you. Not meant to sit on your own and weep, but to one person you just make the ... Your work is very ugly and dishonest! Soon you will understand and will separate you. Blessing and curse you give, you have not begun to fall in love with him! The vicious cycle will never end!