Friday 11 January 2013

New horror in India raped and murdered 21 year old

New horror in India raped and murdered 21 year old

New gang rape incident after murder shakes India A few days after the funeral of 23 year old student ... 

Victim this time a 21 year old employee of the town factory Nointa the lifeless body which was found discarded on the street last Saturday. 

New horror in India raped and murdered 21 year old
The girl's parents speak of criminal indifference of the side of the authorities when informed the police about the disappearance of the previous evening, police responded that can thieves had with her ​​boyfriend. Seeing their reluctance to take action to detect, began to communicate with colleagues from the factory, who informed them that the girl had scholasei at 9.00 in the evening. Their fears were confirmed the next day, when the girl was found dead and lying half naked on the street. But even this was enough to mobilize the police and aunched an investigation into the incident. The authorities opened the folder case after a complaint by the victim's family and raised in Availability four policemen for how handled the case. So far they have arrested two suspects, while one even managed to avoid arrest. 

Pleads not guilty 

On same time, two of the accused for gang rape and murder of 23 year-old from New Delhi is expected to plead not guilty to all categories, as revealed by their lawyer, ML Sarma. The two defendants represented by that lawyer is brother of the driver of the bus, and one Muqata Singh unskilled worker, the Aqsa Thakour. Together with the other three listened to NDICTMENT their camera, their first appearance in court. 

Rage the public and the politicians of the country but has caused Comment and Indian guru, that partly accounted and itself student for her rape. The Assam Bapou, who has many supporters in northern India, said that if she waited board a bus with more people, would have been spared.