Sunday 13 January 2013

9 amazing facts you might not know about the Earth

9 amazing facts you might not know about the Earth

9 amazing facts you might not know about the Earth see on Entertainments Although science has made significant findings on issues having to do with our planet ...and the universe that surrounds him, there are some issues on Earth that can be us ... escape. 

Go many years since abandoned the idea that the Earth is flat and probably most of us believe that we now know the basic scientific knowledge about our planet through the simple way of observing natural elements. 

You think you know everything about the Earth? Well there are some items that probably had not thought about how to apply ... 

1. The Earth is round! Although the Earth is round, however, because of gravitational forces, it is not a perfect circle. In fact, there is a bulge around the equator because of this. The polar radius of the Earth is 3.949.99 miles, while the radius of the equator is 3.963.34 miles. 
9 amazing facts you might not know about
the Earth see on Entertainments

2. The name "Earth" derives from the Anglo-Saxons 

All other planets in our solar system are named by a Greek or Roman god, save our planet. The word "Earth" comes from the Anglo-Saxon word Erda, which means "land" or "soil" and is believed to be 1,000 years old. Ironically, our planet is covered by 71% of water and is the only planet we know of in the entire universe that has this valuable ingredient in liquid form. 

3. The day has 24 hours! People often claim that no ... there are enough hours in the day and they are right! There are even 24. I did. The actual time required for the planet to rotate around its axis, is 23 hours 56 minutes and 4 seconds. It is what is called stellar day. The solar day, the time that it takes for the sun to return to the same point on the meridian, varies as much as 16 minutes throughout the year, due to its location in orbit. 

4. Earth is the only planet with plate tectonics 

Scientists believe that the Earth consists of 7 large plates that move in different directions up to 4 inches per year. When colliding with one another, according to the theory, created the mountains. When moved apart form the valleys. Also, considering the frightening side of this, these plates and the collision, the cause of which are caused by earthquakes and volcanoes. The good news is that all this activity allows the carbon that is essential to our very existence, to be recycled and refilled, allowing life as we know it to continue. 

5. The Earth had a twin planet called "Divine" Scientists now believe that once we were not alone in orbit around the Sun. The Earth has a "twin" planet the size of Mars called "Divine" and it was 60 degrees in either front or back (as you look at it) of our planet. One afternoon, about 4,533,000,000,000 years ago, the planet "Divine" crashed to Earth. The majority of this planet absorbed, but a big part of it, combined with materials of our planet created the moon. The reason the scientists believe this is because the Moon is unusually large for a planet of our size and has metal isotopes similar to those of Earth. 9 amazing facts you might not know about the Earth see on Entertainments

6. The mysterious and (almost) perfect orbit of the Moon 

Talking to the Moon there are some things we do not know for sure. For example, the center of the moon is 6,000 feet closer to the Earth, which would cause the path of greater instability, but the orbit is almost perfectly circular. The Moon is covered with a powder that strangely smells like gunpowder, although composed of completely different materials. Also, while there is no "dark side" of the moon, the gravitational force of the Earth has the Moon to slow down so that it rotates only once during a month (this is referred to as "synchronous rotation") - so very only one side of the moon "faces" to the Earth. Moreover, it is a pretty incredible coincidence that the Sun happens to be 400 times larger than the Moon, and 400 times farther from Earth, making the sky appear to have the same size. 

7. Over 90% of the oceans remains anexerefnitoMporei to know a lot about the moon and Mars, but the truth is that only recently begun to explore its vast oceans. In fact, less than 10% of the vast, deep blue seas are explored. The ocean contains 97% of our water and 99% of the animal kingdom. While we have identified 212,906 marine species, there are probably 25 million more for which we know nothing. 

8. The coldest temperature ever recorded was -89.2 degrees Celsius 

Antarctica is the coldest continent on Earth. The lowest natural temperature ever recorded on Earth was -89,2 ° C in the Russian Vostok Station in Antarctica on July 21, 1983. In contrast, the hottest spot on Earth was recorded on September 13, 1922 in El Azizia, Libya, where the thermometer reached 57 degrees Celsius. 

9. The highest point on Earth is not the term EverestEinai truth, that is one of the most famous mountains in the world and at 8,848 meters above sea level, is considered the top of the world. However, whereas we now know that the Earth is not perfectly round, anyone or anything along the equator is slightly closer to the stars. This means that although Mount Chimborazo in Ecuador is just 6,268 meters above sea level, just because it is on a "swell" is technically more away from the center of the Earth, which is much taller than Everest!