Sunday 13 January 2013

On Facebook Ten things you need with nothing to reveal

 On Facebook Ten things you need with nothing to reveal

On Facebook Ten things you need with nothing to reveal.

1. How do you bond 

Facebook has become a fertile 
ground for divorce lawyer, who is more than happy to "study" the site, searching for indiscreet status updates and incriminating photos ..... 
A survey of the American Bar Association for weddings, showed that 81% of top U.S. divorce lawyers, saw an increase in cases that used social networking as evidence, the majority of them have to do with Facebook. 

On Facebook Ten things you need
with nothing to reveal

2. We will make a party

To Facebook is great for organizing meetings with your friends, but likely to announce where the party you will do your homework? Unless you feel like a kind of revelry that includes hundreds of intruders who will make the carpet pieces and will burst with the family silver, we advise you not to do it. To be honest, we expected that by now people will face more intelligent the subject, but once then come to the surface with similar stories to invade people uninvited to a party, it probably is not happening.

3. Leaving for vacation

It's time for a little sun? Good for you. You deserve it. Just do not try to log out of the computer writing the status by typing something in the style of "Gioupi! I'm off to Spain for two weeks tomorrow! ". It's not that jealous (honestly), just when you upload such information online is a little better than to stick an "I'm away for a fortnight 'poster on the door of your house. Even if you take reasonable precautions and do not mention your address on the page of Facebook, this is something that can easily be found elsewhere on the internet.

4. The go swimmingly in Farmville

Time for a test out how in touch with reality you have little farmers. We do not care that you found a golden egg in your imaginary cowshed or pretend that the crops you grow individually after the watered your good friends. In fact, the world cares so little, now available browser plug-ins that prevent Farmville updates to appear in Facebook feeds. If you are going to waste your time on Farmville or other similar games, to accept it. Just please press off the auto-updates ...

5. Do you hate your job

Or your company or your boss or your customers. If you are going to use your Facebook page as a vehicle to complain about your job, you must be sure how your privacy settings are well configured or that you really do not care if you fire too soon. History is filled with redundancies made nasty comments about his work. From personal airplane challenged passengers, to the woman still in custody, who wrote an offensive status for her boss, forgetting that earlier had made him a friend. Do not follow in their footsteps ...

6. You have 5,000 friends

Some people collect Facebook «friends» with the same desperate need to seek that Twitter followers. But something without reason, since it follows the poor mind can handle up to 150 real friends. Anything above that figure will make you aware of what makes this weekend the maid, your time will you have forgotten your closest friend from childhood. Please remember our friends: a huge list of friends is a sample popular, but just one bad quality control. On Facebook Ten things you need with nothing to reveal

7. You escape

For every criminal mastermind, there are thousands who are less intelligent. Want proof? Classic case Craig, 28, Leeds, a convict robber who escaped from an open prison in Britain in September 2009. Obviously feeling very smug because he had slip out of the law, Leeds 'hurt' by the police often update the page on Facebook, postarontas details of what was meant to do.
The impressive thing is that he managed to remain at large for several months before finally catch him once again in January. Advice for others who aspire to escape: the essence is to hide, you understand?

8. You did something stupid

The plates are all good and "holy", but remember that some people may not see the funny side. Ask seven people from the staff of the Accident and Emergency at the Great Western Hospital in Swindon in Britain expelled temporarily served as the 'planking' (also known as the 'lying down game', as shown above in the Philippines) and pictures post them on Facebook.
The doctors and nurses said they had themselves photographed while they were lying on stretchers, floors and cubicles in a heliport, a joke that the bosses at the hospital did not see the funny side.