Monday 14 January 2013

A message on Zuckerberg costs $ 100

A message on Zuckerberg costs $ 100

A message on Zuckerberg costs $ 100 Last month, Facebook decided to change the messaging service of ... 

It enabled users to send messages ... 

those who are not in the list of friends not in your "Other", but the "Inbox", charging $ 1 per message. 
A message on Zuckerberg costs $ 100
  1. From what it seems, however, the rates vary according to the person who sent the message. For example, if someone wants to send a message to the founder of Facebook, Mark Zucherberg does not belong to the 16 million who follow him will have to pay the sum of $ 100! 

Indeed, the CEO of Facebook, is not the only "costs" so expensive, yet many users fall into this category. 

The management of the social network, says "this is some extreme test values ​​in order to arrive at the tactics that will follow to avoid the spam. A message on Zuckerberg costs $ 100