Wednesday 16 January 2013

Facebook Changes tonight

Facebook Changes tonight

Facebook Changes tonight Intensifying rumors that wants the popular network social networking 
the "puts" on Google with the new service will launch tonight at a special event at Facebook's headquarters in Silicon Valley. Rumors about a possible move and ... 

Facebook phone! The company is likely to reveal new versions of their apps for users iPad. 

Facebook Changes tonight
Rampant rumors on the internet about the invitation sent to reporters by the leaders of Facebook to attend an event at their headquarters in America. The invitation sent to journalists spoke of "a night to finally see what we are preparing for a long time." Specialists refer to a new mobile phone to internet phone service, and most certainly consider the fact unveiling «Facebook Search», a new search engine in equal deflects the Google. 

He believed that journalists and website Pocket-Lint, «although exact information about the new search engine remains blurry, have informed us that the average social networking prepares long launch this application will change again Facebook» . Although the network offers a basic search application that provides users the ability to search for "people, places and things." But tonight's announcement will boost the-fallen-shares of Facebook and is a «upgrade». Facebook Changes tonight

Upgrading will probably cause headaches at the offices of Google, which rather unsuccessfully tried to enter the world of social media with Google+. Some insist that Facebook will unveil a new mobile phone. Already has openings in the mobile phone buying Instagram. Even talk about catching guru technology team that created the iPhone and iPad from Apple to work on the project, and the phone is said to be designed by HTC. 

Company known on Facebook since worked successfully in the past to launch mobile ChaCha and Salsa with a dedicated button Facebook. The new mobile, if any, shall be solely Facebook and of course you "run" around the software company better than any device we use. Will launch the new Messenger app that will allow one free invite their friends, known as VoIP calls to any Facebook friend. Facebook Changes tonight

The only certainty is that tomorrow something will change in the world of Facebook, again.