Thursday 24 January 2013

Excessive preoccupation with children leads to depression see on entertainment

Excessive preoccupation with children leads to depression see on entertainment

Motherhood is one of the best experiences you can live a woman ... 

But women who devote their lives exclusively to the upbringing of their children, are more likely to be depressed, says a new study by American scientists. 

The researchers studied 181 women who had children younger than 5 years old, and concluded that "continuous and intensive engagement" with their hurt on their mental health. 

More Detail of Excessive preoccupation with children leads to depression see on entertainment:

Excessive preoccupation with children leads
 to depression see on entertainment
The voltage developed by the mothers to be continually over the heads of their children, behavior known as «helicopter parenting» circles psychologists, causing insecurity in children, vulnerable and do not allow them to treat themselves what brings them ... Life! 

In the category of 'intensive motherhood »(intensive mothering) scientists enrolled women who tended to believe that it is better in the role of parent than men, many were constantly over the heads of their children for their every need and many believed that children should be "sacred" for parents. 

Researchers from the University of Mary Washington in Virginia, also mentioned that this obsession with perfection is common in many middle-class couples and are likely to lead them ... to misery and depression. 

The women surveyed were aged 18-49 years, were middle class and had long-term relationships. 

Some of them believed that mothers are more important than their parents and do not let others to help with the upbringing of their children, were less satisfied with their lives, while many saw motherhood as an opportunity to seek the help of specialists were more stressed and depressive symptoms. 

Almost one in four had symptoms of depression, even if they had the help of their family, which is thought to play an important role in mental health. Excessive preoccupation with children leads to depression see on entertainment.

The study results were published in the Journal of Child and Family Studies.
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