Wednesday 6 February 2013

10 tips to manage Panic attack properly

10 tips to manage Panic attack properly

10 tips to manage Panic attack properly. The panic attack is a sudden reaction of the body with symptoms 
such as dyspnea, muscle spasms and nausea in conjunction with uncontrolled stress and sometimes a sense impending disaster. One in ten people, according to research, will even ... experienced at some point in his life such a crisis. How can you manage it properly? 

The panic functions as a vicious circle. The more you worry, it will happen to you, so you increase your chances of actually happening. The first step to pass painlessly is acceptance and knowledge. If you know what happens, you're better prepared to deal with it properly. For this reason, we first need to know how to recognize the symptoms. 
10 tips to manage Panic attack properly

Symptoms of panic attack 

If you are able to recognize the symptoms of a panic attack, then you have the great advantage to be prepared to be able to react in an appropriate manner. 

The most common symptoms of the crisis is the irregular heartbeat, dizziness, shortness of breath, feeling of choking hazard, nausea, tremor, sweating, fatigue, weakness, chest pain, heartburn, muscle spasms , hot flashes, sudden chills, numbness of limbs, fear of insanity, even the fear that you might die or that you are seriously ill. 10 tips to manage Panic attack properly

10 tips for you to be ready 

1. If you feel that you enter an environment of panic attack or breathe quickly, try to take slow breaths with the help of a paper bag or creating your hands on a "nest." 

Although you feel that you can not breathe, the more likely it is to breathe more than necessary, taking too much oxygen, which makes you dizzy. The bag will keep the oxygen at normal levels. 

2. Change lifestyle. Exercise is a good way to "eat" the extra adrenaline you have. Avoid smoking and alcohol, try to eat a schedule and stay away from processed foods and beverages, to keep blood sugar levels normal. 

3. Do not try to fight ... the panic attack. This will simply increase levels of adrenaline. Instead accept that the panic attacks will come and go, allowing the symptoms to play the 'crafty' role in the unpleasant situation. You can "rehearse" pretending that indeed susceptible to panic to practice in case that happens. 

4. Do not cover your feelings. Confide in / on your partner, a friend, your family or even a specialist, your concerns, enabling yourself to get rid of excessive emotions. 

5. When a panic attack occurs, try to focus on something "outside" yourself. Listen to some music or do something you enjoy, waiting for the symptoms to subside. 

6. Learn a relaxation technique. First close your eyes and breathe slowly and deeply. Discover the regions of tension and "banish" them with your mind. Then, relax each part of your body, slowly starting from the feet. Think fun and everyday things and persons. After 20 minutes, take a few deep breaths and stretch. 

7. Convince yourself that the symptoms you are experiencing is nothing more than a hypersensitive nervous system. This is just temporary feelings which are neither harmful nor dangerous to your health. 

8. Reduce as much as you can your exposure to stressful situations. Always be prepared to express your needs in your social circle and support yourself. 

9. Search a cognitive behavioral therapy or similar treatments through discussion. 

10. Become a member of a self-help group. Participating in a group with people who experience panic attacks and talking about it, "conjure" in essence the same problem and relieves the stress. 
10 tips to manage Panic attack properly